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Israeli Prime Minister warns their attacks on Gaza 'in the next few days will echo for generations'

Israeli Prime Minister warns their attacks on Gaza 'in the next few days will echo for generations'

Hundreds of people in Gaza have already been killed but Benjamin Netanyahu says the worse is yet to come.

Israel's Prime Minister has warned retaliatory attacks in Gaza over the next few days will be history-making.

Israel has returned fire after Hamas militants launched a devastating attack over the weekend.

It has been the deadliest assault on Israel in decades.

Fighters stormed several parts of the country, took civilians as hostages, and left thousands wounded.

At least 900 people have been killed in Israel so far, according to CNN.

EYAD BABA/AFP via Getty Images

The Israeli Defence Force was quick to retaliate and has fired a series of airstrikes on the Gaza Strip.

These missile attacks have seen whole buildings and neighbourhoods levelled.

Hundreds of people inside Gaza have been killed and thousands of residents have been displaced as a result.

But Benjamin Netanyahu says the worst is yet to come.

The Prime Minister said: "The atrocities committed by Hamas have not been seen since ISIS atrocities.

"Bound children executed along with their families. Young men and women shot in the back, executed. Other horrors I won't describe here.

Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images

"We have always known who Hamas is. Now the entire world knows. Hamas is ISIS. And we will defeat it just like the enlightened world defeated ISIS. This vile enemy wanted war and it will get war."

He added: "What we will do to our enemies in the next few days will echo for generations."

According to the Daily Mail, Netanyahu promised Israel would 'change the Middle East' once this latest conflict is over.

He reportedly told officials meeting in Jerusalem: "What Hamas will experience will be difficult and terrible.

"This is only the beginning... we are all with you and we will defeat them with force, enormous force."

Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images

CNN says Hamas has taken at least 100 civilians to Gaza as hostages.

While Israel has promised to continue battering the besieged territory to send a message to Hamas, the militants have warned this will backfire on them.

Qassam Brigades spokesman Abu Obeida said: "We announce that every targeting of our people who are safe in their homes without warning, we will regretfully meet with the execution of our enemy’s civilian hostages."

He added: "It has become clear that the enemy’s hostages are at risk to the same extent as our people in light of the aggression against the Gaza Strip.

"We affirm that we will not deliberate or negotiate on the issue of hostages under fire, in light of aggression, or in light of battle."

He said Hamas' attack on Israel came 'after the Zionist tyranny reached its peak in the desecration of the blessed Al-Aqsa and the aggression against it and against our people everywhere'.

Featured Image Credit: ABIR SULTAN/POOL/AFP via Getty Images. Ahmad Hasaballah/Getty Images

Topics: Israel, World News