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Eleven was originally going to 'mercy kill' her mother in Stranger Things season two

Eleven was originally going to 'mercy kill' her mother in Stranger Things season two

The writers of the hit Netflix series have been revealing some pretty wild storylines that didn't end up making the final cut

Following the runaway success of the fourth season of Stranger Things, the show’s writers have taken to Twitter to drop some behind-the-scenes knowledge about the writing process and share a few details about dropped plot threads.

After taking to their official Twitter account, @strangerwriters, the minds behind the hit sci-fi series have been revealing some pretty wild storylines that didn't end up making the cut.

And perhaps the most shocking of them all was the reveal this week that back in season 2, the writers had considered having Eleven 'mercy kill her mother' upon discovering her fate.

"Crazy s**t that almost happened #2: In season 2, Eleven was going to mercy kill her mother," the show’s writers wrote on their verified Twitter account.

If you can remember that far back, viewers were introduced to the character of Terry Ives back in the show's first season.

The biological mother of the show's main character, Eleven - played by Millie Bobby Brown - Terry was seen volunteering for testing at Martin Brenner's secret lab in Hawkins without fully understanding what was going on.

On top of that, Terry was pregnant with her unborn daughter Jane, with Brenner eventually stealing her and renaming her Eleven.

Although Terry fought bravely to get her daughter back once she realised what was going on, she failed in her attempts and was placed into a catatonic state by the villainous Dr Brenner.

Terry, Eleven's biological mum, was placed into a catatonic state by the villainous Dr Brenner.

Later in the show Eleven manages to track her birth mother down after learning she can access her memories and communicate psychically with her, which she uses to discover the truth about the lab in Hawkins and ultimately save the day.

Their meeting is one of the most powerful moments in the show’s early seasons, but clearly if the writers had gotten their own way, it could’ve turned out much differently.

Previously on Twitter, the writers had also revealed that a possessed Will Byers was initially supposed to kill Bob.

"Crazy s**t that almost happened #1: In season 2, a possessed Will was going to kill Bob," they tweeted last week on 5 October.

Fan-favourite Bob - played by Sean Astin - was Joyce’s boyfriend elsewhere in season 2, where he used his computer skills to save the crew while they were trapped in a laboratory. He was unfortunately killed by a demogorgon in the process, marking one of the series' most heart wrenching moments.

His death was tragic enough on its own, but would’ve been even worse if the writers had stuck to their initial plan to have a troubled Will personally murder him while possessed by the Mind Flayer.

Thankfully. the twist was considered a bit too dark of a move to have on Will's conscience, possessed or not, and they eventually relented and changed it.

The writers’ room also announced they had started working on the fifth and final season of Stranger Things at the beginning of August. 

Bob's death could have played out very differently, too.

Speaking briefly about the upcoming season, show creators The Duffer Brothers told Collider the final series would be ‘shorter’ than the show’s mammoth fourth season, which was broken up into two chunks.

“We thought Season 4 was going to be eight [episodes], and they were going to be regular length. So if you had interviewed us before four, that's what I would've said.

"I think we're aiming for eight again. We don't want it to be 13 hours. We're aiming for more like 10 hours or something," he said.

"I think it's going to be longer than Season 1 because we just have so much to wrap up, but I don't think it's going to be as long as Season 4."

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Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Film and TV, Stranger Things