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Server sparks debate after sharing her earnings from tips after 50 tables

Server sparks debate after sharing her earnings from tips after 50 tables

A server showed the internet how much she made in tips and the comments are divided

Tipping culture has always been a sticky subject, and now another waitress has divided opinion by sharing how much she earned in tips from serving around 50 tables.

A buffet employee took to TikTok to share how much she made after a day of waiting on 50 tables and it’s pretty bleak.

Brittany, aka @itsbrittanybitch255 shared a video during ‘a day in the life of a service in a sh*t restaurant’ video.

Now, Brittany didn’t actually say where she worked, but from her employee tag and uniform, it was clear that she worked at the Golden Corral.

As a lot of restaurant workers rely on gratuities from customers to get by, you’d expect servers to receive a healthy amount in tips at the end of a busy shift.

Not Brittany, though.

This could be due to a miscommunication, as it appears many people weren’t aware it is customary to tip when dining at a buffet.

Brittany says in the video: “Excuse how I look today, but tonight we’re gonna talk about how sh*tty it is to be a server at my job.”

The TikToker shared a video to raise awareness about tipping.
TikTok/ @itsbrittanybitch255

She continued: “I’m not gonna say the name of my job, because I don’t wanna get fired because I absolutely have no other option right now cause I’m carless, but let’s just take a look around at these tables that left me zero dollars.”

She then shows the restaurant and scraps left on tables from customers.

She said: “I’ve been at work since 3pm and let me show you the section that I’ve had all to myself.”

Showing how many booths available in the diner, she continued: “And considering how busy we are, you would’ve thought that I made beaucoup money but let’s have a count.”

During her counting, Brittany discovered that she had only made a total of $69 dollars during her shift.

She claimed in the comments that her hourly rate is $2.13, the minimum wage for tipped employees.

“I have probably from 3 o’clock to now, I’ve probably had about….50 tables. Give or take a couple.

“So, I should have hundreds of dollars right now but I don’t.

“I mean there are worse nights than this, this is actually a pretty straight night considering over half my people even tipped me.

"Usually, I leave with nothing.”

It’s easy to tell her to just find another job that pays well, but the server went on to explain that it wasn't an option for her when she filmed the video back in April.

However, one commenter was quick to shut the TikToker down for expecting tips as Golden Corral buffet workers do not bring over customer’s food.

They wrote: “Sorry Golden Corral is not waiting tables. Been in the industry a long time.”

Brittany was left with only 69 dollars in tips.
TikTok/ @itsbrittanybitch255

But others immediately defended the server.

One person commented: “Soo how do they survive off 2 dollars? Maybe you should talk to Golden Corral and give them your input it would be heaven if they listened.”

Another was shocked that tipping at a buffet was a thing: “I legitimately did NOT know I was supposed to leave a cash tip at buffets… I’m SO sorry I will from now on!!

"Everyone deserves a tip. We genuinely didn’t know… and no this isn’t sarcasm.”

Thankfully things seem to be looking up for Brittany, who said in the comments she later went to school for business management after posting the vid.

UNILAD has reached out to Golden Corral for a comment.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/itsbrittanybitch225

Topics: Food and Drink, News, Money, TikTok